Words by: Rachel Macy Stafford
Poem: Avery Stafford

Rachel M. Stafford is a writer and a New York Times bestselling author. She inspires millions through the Hands Free Revolution on Facebook and Instagram.
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Poem: “I see us” by Avery Stafford

Every day I wake up.
Every day I sleep.
Every day I have challenges.
Every day the sun sets and the sun rises,
And I start again.

For a long time, the question was:
What will this day bring for me?

But then I started noticing you.
Every day you wake up.
Every day you sleep.
Every day you have challenges.
Every day the sun sets and the sun rises,
And you start again.

That’s when the question changed to:
What will this day bring for you?

And that is when I began to see us
— living our lives
fighting our battles
celebrating our achievements
healing our sadness.

If your sunset and sunrise are the same as mine,
Doesn’t it make sense to go through our days together?

So instead of thinking, what this day will bring for me?
I think, what this day will bring for you?

Because bettering your world makes mine better too.

“Even when it’s bad, there is still good because we can be the rainbow in someone’s cloud. There is a beautiful side of humanity, and it is happening all around us. It is happening IN us. All together now, let’s lift our voices. We are stronger together than we are alone.”

– Rachel Macy Stafford

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